Do you find it hard to speak out or take risks? 
It's time to start your journey to GUTSY!

Download an excerpt from the book "GUTSY: How Women leaders Make Change"
by award-winning author, Sylvia Lafair, PhD

Learn to be smarter and faster in making decisions and solving problems with the OUT Technique™:

  • Observe your behavior patterns and they automatically lose their hold on you

  • Understand where they started and they fade into the background

  • Transform them to their positive opposites and watch the magic happen

  • Untie the knots (cannot, am not, should not) that stood in your way of personal and professional power

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Women today can no longer be shushed and denied.
Be authentic, be flamboyant, be YOU! 

This book offers you the tools, tips, and techniques to stand on the shoulders of your past. Make a difference.

"One of the best books about women in leadership"

This is one of the best books about women in leadership to date. It is about all women and what we need to know and do to become the leaders we are meant to be. I found every chapter useful. I loved the way the book discussed issues so dear to our hearts about work-life balance and how to help the next generation become strong.  
- Julie See

"A terrific read with great insight for women"

A terrific read with great insight for women (and all really). Dr. Lafair has a knack with great examples and clarity of writing and explanations to help us all be the best we can be. I recommend this highly to women of all ages and life situations. Denise Fantuzzi

"A must-read!"

An amazing book that teaches how your environment in business and at home can effect everything. I have learned so many things about myself and understanding others from reading this book. A must read if you want to grow and become GUTSY in your own life! - Kathleen M. Dugan

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