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How to Strengthen Your Emotional Core, Throw Overwhelm to the Curb, and Thrive Using the STRESS MASTERY System ™
From the desk of Sylvia Lafair, PhD.
San Francisco, California.
Dear Friends,
There are stressors that help you (yes there are !!) and those that hinder you. Learn the difference and when to pivot.
Become more aware of the four types of stressors that impact you daily along so that you can strengthen your emotional core, throw overwhelm to the curb, and thrive during difficult times.
Using the STRESS MASTERY System™ this course gives you the right exercises to strengthen your “emotional and mental muscles” so you are in charge of how you navigate the worst days to achieve the best outcomes both personally and professionally.
Change is inevitable...how YOU react makes the difference
Based on our 30+ years of work with high performing executives and leaders, we've developed the STRESS MASTERY System ™ designed to help you navigate and pivot when confronted with change.
With the right preparation, we can help you gain an understanding of this vital area of workplace (and life) dynamics.
When you are able to manage change successfully, you are then able to break through to levels of success and satisfaction you never dreamed possible.
Stress Mastery and the Stress Mastery System™ is different...
Most programs on stress reduction talk only about three types of stress. We include a fourth level that comes from your history.
It is where most of you can find the hidden treasures about what stresses you and why you do what you do. Then you can come up with better solutions on what to change.
When it comes to understanding the “why” of your stress we don’t go superficial. Put it this way, we help you water the roots, not just spray the leaves.
Our system helps you sort out those voices from well-meaning family and friends that say things like: “
Take a pill and you’ll be fine”
Just shut up and smile
Eat this not that
Get people who annoy you out of your life
Yell and hit a pillow
Be quiet and meditate
Take a walk
Take a hike
Go shopping
Have a drink
Don’t drink
Get married
Get divorced
Call your mother!
This program will help you get a clear picture of the specific people and situations that send your stress over the top.
Once you see yourself clearly, your relationships will also begin to change. You will have tools to unhook rather than take the bait. You also learn how to keep a more positive and open perspective about this journey called life.
With the STRESS MASTERY System™ you will be taken out of the stress cycle. You will now have a stronger internal constitution. In the face of conflict, sudden change or disappointment, when stress is at its height, you will become more confident and make clear headed decisions.
You will be able to...
Using the STRESS MASTERY System™ this course gives you the right exercises to strengthen your “emotional and mental muscles”.
You will be in charge of how you navigate the best AND worst days to achieve the best outcomes both personally and professionally.
Session 1: Core Exercises
In this module you are offered an overview of how emotions are the drivers in life with exercises to help you gain clarity about what really matters to give your life meaning and contentment.
Session 2: Observe
In this module you will learn to look at your life from the balcony. Here you can make observations of your spontaneous behavior in various situations. You get clues to where you are stuck so you can get unstuck.
Session 3: Understand
In this module you learn to become a “psychological deep-sea diver” to find the precious pearls, long buried, that only belong to you. Then you bring these treasures of new understanding back make your life more joyful.
Session 4: Transform
In this module you put the puzzle pieces together using the Stress Flex System. You’re now a pro. No whining or complaining during tough times. You can live life with intention and comfort as a highly respected leader.
Check Out These Great Bonuses:
Workshop: Give Change a Chance
How often does change occur in your business? How do you prepare for change, or do you have a plan?
This educational workshop will help you lead the different personality types within your organization, through all the changes that are inevitable.
Workshop: Transforming Conflict to Collaboration
High performing teams and families are always able to debate, disagree and dispute.
Be able to listen to divergent points of view to make better decisions.
Manage the emotional climate of your team (or family) and healthy listening and talking boundaries
Gotcha! Resolving Conflict at Work
Can you remember the first time you were a participant in the the Gotcha’ Game?
Leaders who know what to look for can stop GOTCHA in its tracks, build trust and foster collaboration that leads to loyalty and team accountability. More effective communication leads to less office politics.
79 Power Sentences: Boost Your Presence
The most powerful sentences you can use to transform the way people respond to you and impact your life and theirs for the better.
These sentences will help you tackle conflict without anger, emphasize belief in yourself and find the words that you need to change minds quickly!
Purchase the program today for $697 $597 using code HEALTHY
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